Structural Engineering Books
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Featuring introductory material on use and application of each formula, along with appendices covering metric conversion information, and selected mathematical formulas and symbols.

Fundamental theories of structural dynamics, Advanced analysis, Wind and earthquake-resistant design, Design of prestressed concrete, masonry, timber, and glass structures.

Introduction to the practice and business of structural and civil engineering, including lots of detailed advice on developing competence and communicating ideas.

In each chapter, problems are arranged in order of increasing complexity, offering practice levels appropriate for each of these tests.

Problem solving approach makes this book ideal for undergraduate and graduate engineering and architectural students, and for practicing engineers.

The structural PE exams require a thorough familiarity with relevant codes, and the 4th edition of the Structural Engineering Reference Manual has been updated.

This indispensable reference leads you through the complete design of a wood structure (except for the foundation), following the same sequence used in the actual design/construction process.
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