Feng Shui Books
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Feng Shui in the Home explains how to use the bagua, or map of energies, to relate to specific areas of your home and life such as wealth and health.

Feng shui is a peace sign system and can be used to increase the flow of energy through out the house. Feng shui creates a peaceful and harmonic feeling.

Identify the advantages and drawbacks of your office location and layout, so you know what to fix. Use your personal lucky directions to choose the best place to put your desk.

Good design is more than skin deep and in Feng Shui at Home, Carol Soucek King explores how the 4000 year old Chinese philosophy can be used to increase serenity and good fortune.

Jayme Barrett, the feng shui consultant to the rich and powerful of Beverly Hills, has written the most comprehensive and life changing book on the subject.

The simple act of clearing clutter can transform your life by releasing negative emotions, generating energy, and allowing you to create space in your life for the things you want to achieve.

More case studies and feng shui readings to make the practical application of feng shui even more accessible; new chapters feature before and after photos of feng shui.
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