Solar House Books
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Hands on guide is packed with tips for making your home more energy-efficient though solar power and helping the planet at the same time.

The Nuts and Bolts: what to look for, what to avoid, Who does the installation? Extensive appendix with resources, manufacturers, sizing worksheets, glossary, and more...

The book contains an overview of photovoltaic electricity and a detailed description of PV system components, including PV modules, batteries, controllers and inverters.

Since its release in 2003, The Renewable Energy Handbook has been a top-selling technology book and is recognized as the best book in its field.

This book helps readers understand the basics of solar power and other renewable energy sources, explore whether solar power makes sense for them, what their options are.

Gives you everything you need to build more than 50 thrilling solar energy projects. You'll find complete, easy-to-follow plans, with clear diagrams and schematics.

Heating water with the sun is almost as old as humankind itself, and it is done all over the world. Yet there are strangely few resources on the topic in North America.
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